Royal Business Summit

Attention conscience leaders of America? I want you folks to become parent for a minute! You want to use our taxpayers money to do non-surgical elective surgery for children. Very Good, perfect. We have other children who are on their deathbed parents have to sell their homes to pay doctors bills!! Here what you can and if you need help we will help you.
1. Please cut down your useless extravagant government expenses. Allow all children free medical until the age 18.
2. Do logistic, we can do it.

You cannot give candy to some children and others are suffering. You will be reelected and:

1. Health and Wellbeing: Providing access to surgical treatments at no cost can improve the health and wellbeing of children, ensuring they receive timely and necessary medical care without financial barriers.

2. Equality and Social Justice: Offering free surgical treatment promotes social equality by providing the same healthcare opportunities to all children, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

3. Long-term Savings: Early intervention through surgical treatments can prevent certain health conditions from worsening, leading to potential long-term cost savings in healthcare expenses.

4. Improved Quality of Life: Addressing medical issues early can enhance the quality of life for children, allowing them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

5. Reduced Health Disparities: Free surgical treatment can help reduce health disparities among different communities, ensuring that all children have equal access to medical care.

6. Preventative Care: Free surgical treatment allows for a focus on preventative care, which can identify and treat health conditions before they become more severe or irreversible.

7. Positive Impact on Education: Improved health can positively impact a child’s ability to attend school regularly and perform well academically.

8. National Productivity: Healthy children can grow into healthier adults, contributing to the overall productivity and well-being of the nation.

I love my country and my leaders. However, implementing such a policy would require careful consideration of its financial implications and logistical challenges. Funding, healthcare infrastructure, and resource allocation would need to be addressed to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of such a program. JUST DO IT! ❤️❤️❤️❤️☝️☝️☝️☝️ We are not political or religious. But we are definitely helping leaders to make better decisions for the Global Peace. it is hard to sit and see the destruction of our country. 😭😭😭😭HELP ME FOR PEACE!

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