
By becoming a corporate member of ART 4 PEACE AWARDS, our mission to raise the standards of your company profile, assist in financial growth, the physical fitness of your employees, and to create a workplace with success without stress and hostility. We dare to commit to help create jobs, tourism and healing. Based on the type of membership, membership is for various groups such as the elite business community, samll business community, startup business community, connecting with other businesses and whole sellers, setup, as we are servicing them already. We have helped business grow for over 40 years. We want what is best for our members, and will work with them to achieve their personal and business goals to the best of our abilities. We have multiple contacts across the globe, and we will personally assist you in every way to grow your business, to create jobs. Your support directly benefits your business and our educational efforts, including the annual Worldwide Youth Congress, Women Empowerment Initiatives, Art 4 Peace Awards, Animal Shelters, Orphanages, Battered Men and Women, and numerous other projects to help people across the world. Our founder Dame Munni Irone has given away her estate in order to work full time towards such initiatives, to help people create wealth. She is managing her work in African, India, US, Israel, and Europe, and will personally assist you in your needs as your are important for member for Art4peace awards.